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The Life COMET project

The energy community movement is spreading across Europe. However, central and eastern Europe face specific challenges in the structuring of the civil society initiatives.

Life COMET supports the creation of community energy coalitions at national level in Eastern European countries. Partners will also help the emergence of new energy communities with training and technical assistance.

Our goal is to create 7 coalitions and assist 97 new citizen-led energy initiatives

ZEZ web
Zelena energetska zadruga

Energy Communities in central and eastern Europe

Citizen-led energy initiatives have a long history in European countries under the form of citizen cooperatives. The new legal concept of energy communities introduced in the European legislation in 2018 provided the movement with new opportunities.

However, in the European countries which joined after 2010, very few of such initiatives preexisted. Setting up energy communities opens new possibilities and offers the opportunity to strengthen the role of civil society in the energy sector.

Latest news

The Life Comet project has received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union.

Disclaimer: The Life Comet website reflects the views of the project partnership and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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